A Populist Writer and Critic – How Intellectual Bogus Leader Richard D. Precht Misleads Us Once Again with Nonsensical Arguments, this Time on Corona
Capitalism in the face of climate policy – The disintegration of the old dogma that free markets controls everything optimally
Der Kapitalismus im Angesicht der Klimapolitik – Der Zerfall des alten Dogmas, dass der freie Markt alles optimal zu gestalten vermag
German environmental policy under Angela Merkel – Far too little considering the strength of it when she began her chancellorship
Deutsche Umweltpolitik unter Angela Merkel – Weit zu wenig für den starken Startpunkt, an dem ihre Kanzlerschaft begann
Kommt die Klimakrise vielleicht noch viel früher und in weitaus dramatischer Form als bisher gedacht? – Zum ersten Teil des CMIP6-Reports des Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Is the climate crisis perhaps coming much sooner and in a far more dramatic form than previously thought? – About the first part of the CMIP6 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
One of the most important physics Nobel Prize winners in the field of theoretical particle physics passed away – An obituary for Steven Weinberg