Personal Details

Name: Lars Jaeger
Address: Dorfstrasse 1, 6340 Baar


Lars Jaeger (born 1969 in Heidelberg, Germany) is a Swiss-German author, entrepreneur, financial theorist, and alternative investment manager. He studied physics and philosophy at the University of Bonn in Germany and at École Polytechnique in Paris and holds a doctorate degree in theoretical physics from the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden, where he also performed post-doctoral studies in the field of non-linear dynamics.

His writing focuses on two areas: investment and science. In his scientific writing, Lars focuses on the history of science, the interplay between science and spiritual traditions, how science shaped and continues to shape our modern society, and how ongoing technological revolutions are shaped. On the first subject, Lars has published books on hedge funds, quantitative investment, and risk management. With his books he became an influential voice in the hedge fund industry and promoted developments towards more transparency, liquidity, and cost efficiency. He was the founder and CEO of Alternative Beta Partners AG in Zug, Switzerland, which aimed at the cost-effective way of extracting hedge return sources using so-called “alternative beta” – a term that Lars coined in 2003. He has taught at various universities over time (European Business School, Goethe University Frankfurt, ETH Zurich, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen and others). Today he works as head of alternative risk premia at GAM in Zurich

In 2014, Jaeger published a universal history of science (in German), and in September 2016 a book on the interplay of science and spirituality (again in German). His next book “Supermacht Wissenschaften” (“Superpower Science”, 2017, again in German) outlines scenarios of mankind’s technological future. His latest book “The Second Quantum Revolution – From Entanglement to Quantum Computing and Other Super-Technologies” (2018, English as well as German editions) deals with the latest quantum technologies. His following book “Mehr Zukunft wagen” (Daring more future”, 2019, in German) provides a confrontation with the impending technological upheavals that lead to what Jaeger calls “The Human Crisis”. His latest book ““Sternstunden der Wissenschaften – Eine Erfolgsgeschichte des Denkens” is being published in September 2020.


Before founding Alternative Beta Partners in early 2010, Lars was a partner in the Partners Group for eight years, responsible for hedge funds and alternative beta investments, risk management and managed accounts. He is a co-founder of saisGroup, a hedge fund asset management company that merged with Partners Group in 2001. Lars started his career in the financial industry in 1997 at the quantitative research company Olsen & Associates in Zurich. Lars lives in Baar, Zug, and enjoys growing up his three daughters.